Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Oct 20/00) - They showed up wearing a multi-person T-shirt that read, "Cabs are cheaper than lawyers."
They left Tuesday's meeting of city council's corporate services committee smiling and with some much-needed funding.
Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) received a confidence boost after seeing the committee recommend the group receive $10,000 for hosting a national conference in March 2001.
The committee met to discuss who would share the $26,000 remaining in special grants funding.
The city set aside $100,000 this year for special grants; $73,000 has already been distributed between nine groups.
SADD was one of the five groups that received recommendations for funding.
The others were:
- YK Foster Family Association received $5,250 for hosting a symposium.
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society received $2,200 to help pay for designing a map that will show parks and historical sites.
- NWT Music Teachers Association received $3,500 for a piano workshop
- St. John Ambulance received $ 5,850 to help pay for defibrillators and an emergency response trailer.
"I feel very good about the recommendation," said Michele Thom, teacher at St. Patrick high school and facilitator of SADD.
"The conference will be mutually beneficial and will bring dollars to the city," she added.
Sylvie Paneat, part-time teacher and administrator at Montessori private school left the committee meeting disappointed.
Her group was turned down for a $10,000 request to expand their current school-house.
"I somehow expected it," said a dejected Paneat.
"It's always the same story, go back to the GNWT," she said.
"I think we'll try corporate funding."
Grant White, director of community services said groups applying for funding have to meet a certain criteria.
"We have to look at the overall impact on the community and the number of people affected by their services," said White.