Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Aug 09/00) - Mike Mrdjenovich believes high demand backs his proposal for the development of a senior citizens complex at the former Bartam Trailer Park site.
Mrdjenovich is the owner of Nova Construction and the only private developer who responded to the city's Request for Proposals for development of the Bartam site.
His plan calls for a 60-unit one- and two-bedroom apartment complex for both seniors and single adults. It would include a nursing station, two elevators, recreational facilities, a lounge, meeting room, cafeteria and shuttle bus service. Estimated cost is more than $5 million.
He believes there's a demand for such a development.
"Lots of people are getting older, lots of people are retiring in Yellowknife. There's a waiting list for (seniors at) Northern United Place ... there's a real demand," said Mrdjenovich.
NWT Seniors Society member Dusty Miller said he is aware of Nova's proposal and plans on bringing up the housing issue at the society's next meeting.
Miller said the society will make an official statement on housing for senior citizens after the meeting.
Mrdjenovich fears his proposal will be frowned upon by city councillors. Before the RFP was issued by the city, council reserved the right to not accept any of the proposals.
"I don't think it's going to fly. This project may never be built because it's election year.
"It doesn't matter what I do, I don't think (council) will award it. I just wasted my time and money," said Mrdjenovich, estimating the drafted proposal cost him at least $15,000.
If his proposal is not approved by council, Mrdjenovich said he will not seek another location.
"The reason I chose that site is because of the view and everything else. I think it's a perfect spot for seniors ... I'm not going to take that development any place else," he said.