Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Aug 09/00) - City councillors have mixed reactions about the development proposal for School Draw Avenue.
Nova Construction's proposal for a senior citizens complex at the former Bartam site will be discussed at the next Priorities, Policies and Budget Committee meeting on Aug. 21.
Initial reactions from Mayor Dave Lovell and city councillors vary, however.
At first glance, Cheryl Best said it sounds like a great idea but would like to see more details before making an "informed decision."
However, she believes there is a definite need for a senior citizens complex in the city.
"It's sort of a chicken-and-egg situation because certainly there aren't a lot of people that retire here in Yellowknife, but on the other hand some of that is because they don't have a whole lot of choice of housing.
"If the housing was here, would more people retire here? We can't really tell," said Best.
Lovell said a senior citizens/single adult complex is a good idea, but it does not take advantage of the unique landscape at the Bartam site.
"That's one of the nicest sites in town and there is nothing special about the building. It could be put anywhere you have adequate space to put it," he said.
Lovell said the Bartam site is very unique and the proposed development does not take advantage of its typography and location.
"It's a very nice building and there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that it's such a unique site and I was sort of hoping to see a unique building," he said.
Robert Slaven hesitated to comment on Nova's proposed project as he had not studied the plans in detail as of yet. However, he said he is still unsure as to what sort of development should be built there.
"I would be really tempted to just sit on the whole thing and say 'Let's just look at the whole thing holistically and not just jump at one proposal just because it's there.'
"We could just give it to (Nova), but maybe there's something better. Maybe if we sit down and make a plan we'll decide something else will be better there ... I don't think there's any need to be in a hurry, so let's think about it," Slaven said.
Kevin O'Reilly had not seen the proposed plans either, and decided not to comment until he obtained further information.
Councillors Dave McCann, Alan Woytuik, Ben McDonald, Bob Brooks and Blake Lyons could not be reached for comment over the holiday weekend.