Glen Vienneau
Northern News Services
Deline (Aug 07/00) - The opening of the new Great Bear Co-op reflects recent prosperity at the Deline outlet.
"Over its life we have seen periods of difficulties but are now seeing a period of solid growth and development," said Raymond Taniton, co-op vice-president in Deline.
A growth reflected in $680,000 generated in equity funds and $250,000 in dividends returned to co-op members, he added.
The new 4,500 square foot store opened July 17 under new management and replaces the old 4,400 square foot store now used as a showroom for furniture, heavy appliances and other products.
"You see more room, (it's) cleaner and it's a beautiful building," said Gina Dolphus, first vice-president of the Arctic Co-operatives Limited. She has been involved with the co-op for over six years.
At the new location, the store offers a wide range of products including hardware, general merchandise, clothing and food.
"I think they're (the employees) happy with the new store, that's what I've been hearing," said Dolphus. The offical opening was also a special day for the elders who wanted to get the second store built, added Dolphus.
The aboriginal community-owned co-op was incorporated in July 1963. Its goal was to work towards meeting the community's needs through the co-operative democratic process of open and volunteer membership.
It offers the Deline community of 600 people a retail store, fuel delivery and cable TV service.