Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Aug 25/00) - The city's new transit buses could receive makeovers sometime in the near future.
About a dozen citizens attended the accessible transit forum last week at city hall to provide suggestions on improving local bus service.
Public input heard by city officials and representatives of Cardinal Coach Lines was focused on the physical appearance of the new buses.
One of the problems that arose was related to the colour inside the bus, mainly that the steps did not stand out visually.
"People had trouble seeing the steps so it was suggested that we have yellow strips where the stairs are so people can see them better," said Greg Kehoe, manager of public works and engineering.
The same was suggested for the pull cords, which notify bus drivers when to stop.
The possibility of a second handrail at the entrance and the installation of rubber grips was also discussed, as well as the addition of more support poles throughout the bus for standing patrons to support themselves.
"More bus shelters were also requested as well ... mainly at the Aven Centre," said Kehoe.
Eight new bus shelters will be installed around the city over the next few months, he said, and Aven Manor will likely receive one of them.
The installation of yellow strips on the stairs is not as costly as the other suggestions and Kehoe said that concern will be addressed by the city and Cardinal Coach Lines in the near future.
As for the other ideas discussed, he said those will come before a council committee meeting within the next six weeks to determine where the funding can be allocated.