Glen Vienneau
Northern News Services
Yellowknife ( Jun 09/00) - Golfers will be able to take part in their favourite activity while helping children this summer.
The Kids Ahead Golf Tournament is set for August 11 at the Yellowknife Golf Club. The event is organized by the Yellowknife Rotary Club to raise money for the Kids Ahead program.
The Rotary Club is hoping to raise $20,000 to continue the program into its third year.
The Kids Ahead program provides Grade 1 students with healthy snacks and drinks every school day. Participating schools include Mildred Hall and Weledeh Catholic school.
The snacks include apples and cheese with crackers, and drinks such as fruit juice and milk are provided.
In addition to giving healthy snacks, members of the Rotary Club give a weekly reading to Grade 1 students at Weledeh Catholic school.
"By the end of Grade 1, if they are reading, they will be lifelong readers," said Garth Wallbridge, club member.
"Whereas if they are struggling, they many continue to struggle," he added.
He explained that Grade 1 students are at a critical age for learning to read, which was the reason for program.
"The golf tournament is a great way to raise the funds necessary," said Craig Shenher, tournament chairperson.
"I am really happy about the strong support being shown by the community," he said.
The club is welcoming any form of sponsorship from businesses and organizations.