Terry Kruger
Northern News Services
Yellowknife ( Jun 05/00) - The federal government will spend nearly $1.4 million over the next three years through projects to combat homelessness and help aboriginal offenders in the NWT.
More than $718,000 is available over three years to help homeless people under the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative.
The money comes from the $305 million set aside by the federal government as part of its action plan to address homelessness across the country.
The money must be matched with in-kind donations or other funding from other levels of government and the private and voluntary sectors.
In a second announcement, a $652,240 contract was awarded to Sombe K'e Healing Lodge in Dettah for the provision of residential services for aboriginal offenders on conditional release.
The program will accommodate up to 10 people, who will be provided with "holistic, culturally sensitive programming to assist in their effective reintegration and healing."