Glen Vienneau
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jun 30/00) - There are many ways to give care to hospital patients, and bringing them a little comfort is certainly one of them.
That's where the Stanton Regional Hospital Auxiliary shines.
"They (auxiliary members) just want to do volunteer work, to give comfort to patients," said Margaret Purdy, auxiliary president.
The auxiliary is comprised of 24 volunteers with one main goal: to improve the quality of life for patients.
Essentially providing "the comforts of home," Purdy explained.
This is accomplished by purchasing various items for the hospital to be used by patients. For example, the auxiliary has taken on the project of decorating the palliative care unit.
After consulting with the hospital staff, the auxiliary provides items such as television sets, VCRs, bed sheets, chairs, refrigerators and even coffee counter items for visiting families.
The hospital staff also assist the auxiliary by making shelves, painting and doing electrical work.
Purdy said often volunteers who sign on with the auxiliary are ex-patients.
"A lot of the times it is people that were in the hospital themselves or they had a family member in the hospital," said Purdy.
"And they just want to give something back to the hospital," she said.
At least five Stanton hospital staff are also on the auxiliary.
The items supplied to patients, however, require money. To raise the needed money various fund-raising efforts cover the purchase, such as bake sales. Revenues from the Ruth Stanton Gift Shop also play a major role.
There, visitors and patients can find comic books, baby clothing, toothpaste, books and gifts for patients.
"I guess the major fund-raising is keeping our gift shop open," said Purdy.
"It's there for the patients if they need stuff," she said, adding that the shop also aims to serve anybody walking into the hospital.
"Everything that we make (in revenue) in the hospital goes back into the hospital for patient care," she said.
The four auxiliary members taking turns manning the gift shop are Norma Barradell, Joy Watt, Diane Nikiforuk and Irene Johnson.
The auxiliary also is ready to help whenever hospital departments are in need.
This past Christmas, for example, patients in the Extended Care unit were short on toiletry. The auxiliary is now providing these items.