Dawn Ostrem
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jun 30/00) - Lee Proud could be called an authority on romance and she says people in Yellowknife aren't lacking when it comes to matters of the heart.
"One guy wanted a rose a day to be sent to someone and at the end of the week he sent a dozen roses," said the owner of Flowers North.
Although a usual day consists of plant care, making floral arrangements and taking phone orders, Proud said more often than not, when she helps customers in the store, they're willing to talk about the incident or the occasion that brought them there.
"Being in the flower business, it amazes me how thoughtful people are," she said. "It's almost like you're sharing in their happiness."
Proud has owned the store for a year, buying it after working at another shop in Yellowknife. Before that she worked in food services in a hospital in Red Deer, Alta.
Proud notes most often flowers are purchased for happy, not sad occasions and she has already had a number of memorable and unique requests.
"I had a request once to attach a little note to each of six roses," she explained, adding on each note the message read, "You're my heart, soul, partner, angel, life," and on the last note, "I will always love you."
The types of people who come in are and are not surprising to Proud.
"I have a lot of teenagers come in and it actually surprises me that teenagers can be so thoughtful," she said. "And a lot of husbands come in say they've stayed out too late the night before or something so they better buy some flowers to smooth things over."