Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jun 23/00) - The residents of Dusseault Court want Ed Henderson to clean up his act.
Countless complaints filed regarding unsightly conditions at 841 Dusseault Court have led city officials to issue a clean-up order to Henderson, the owner of the residence. Monty Christensen, manager of the city's planning and lands division, said Henderson's trailer is surrounded by dilapidated vehicles, beer bottles, old wood, cans and other rubbish.
"The stuff is just not in keeping with the residential character of the neighbourhood," said Christensen.
This is the second clean-up that's been issued to Henderson in the past year, said Christensen. The first time, Christensen said Henderson ignored the order and was then fined $50. If he ignores this warning, Christensen said he could be issued a $200 fine.
"Maybe this time (the clean-up order) will work because it's more money now," said Christensen. Dusseault Court resident Bruce Indoe said the condition of Henderson's yard doesn't bother him because he doesn't live next to him.
"If I lived beside him it would bother me. I think the two people that live beside him are the ones probably complaining the most," he said.
Indoe said he's not exactly sure what's in Henderson's yard, but said it's more like what is not in there.
"Everything. You name it -- it's in his yard. He's probably got cars and motorcycles in there from the 1920s." said Indoe.
But Joanne Bozek, another resident who also sits on the board of directors of the Dusseault Court, Bigelow Court and Williams Avenue Condo Association, said the condition of Henderson's yard bothers her for several reasons.
"There's a lot of kids in this block and it's a safety hazard for them ... you don't know what's in there or what you could be stepping on, and yes, it isn't very pleasant to look at," said Bozek.
According to Bozek, residents who live next door to Henderson are having difficulties trying to sell their home as a result of the unsightly conditions just a few feet away from their property.
"Frankly, I wouldn't even consider buying a property next to one like that," said Bozek.
But Bozek doesn't believe that Henderson means any harm to his neighbours.
"To him it's all worth something. To some people it's junk, but to him it's his gold," she said.
Henderson had yet to return Yellowknifer calls by press time.