Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jun 19/00) - There is little doubt that camping season is upon us. And with that in mind, we are left with one burning question -- what to bring?
Lest we forget, some things are more important than others. For most Northerners, a sense of practicality is essential.
After all, it's unlikely that anyone in the North would go out into the bush with nothing more than their underwear and a Bic lighter. That kind of thing just isn't done up here. Some kind of preparation is in order when going out camping, or even just a day trip into the bush.
For Pauline Campbell from Nahanni Butte, one thing she says is essential to bring on a camping trip is her morning coffee.
"You can't forget the coffee kettle," says Campbell.
She added that you might as well leave the coffee at home if you don't bring along a good camp stove.
"If you do it on the campfire, you get little ashes in it, but with a stove that's no problem."
Gina Bayha in Deline says that having a fishing rod handy is all you need to find some dinner around there, even though bringing along a hammock isn't a bad idea either -- just in case all that good fishing tires you out.
"I brought a hammock out during the fall one time," Bayha says.
"The people I was out there with thought it was strange. It's definitely not the tropics out here, but it was nice."
Noleen Hardisty from Fort Simpson has another suggestion -- B.L.O.B. -- "bring lots of beer."
Then again, Hardisty admits that going out into the bush is not one of her favourite things to do.
"I don't go into the woods, I avoid the problem all together," Hardisty says.
Fun and games aside, there are things Northerners know are essential to have while on extended trips into the bush or simply going camping for the weekend, such necessities as bug spray, warm clothes, and a tent and sleeping bag.
For Tulita's Garry Yakeleya, there is only one thing he really needs while out in the bush.
"Just the help from my family, just seeing them out there being happy," says Yakeleya.
"That's all I need."