Kudos given for caring
Volunteer Appreciation evening recognizes those who help others

Glen Vienneau
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jun 16/00) - About 70 volunteers gathered with their families last weekend at the Baker Centre for the 3rd annual Volunteer Appreciation evening.

The event was to offer appreciation for the volunteers of the Meals on Wheels and the Lunch with a Bunch hot meals programs. Lunch with a Bunch is organized by the Yellowknife Seniors Society and takes place every Friday at the Baker Centre, except for July and August. It started three years ago.

"I think the people like to volunteer and serve on Meals on Wheels because their turn comes up once in a five-week rotation," said Linda Jardine, Meals on Wheels captain.

Meals on Wheels started 24 years ago in Yellowknife and serves about 5,000 meals annually. The meals are prepared by kitchen staff at Stanton Regional Hospital.

About 100 volunteers help package and deliver the meals to about 15 clients each weekday and about a dozen on weekends.

Clients include seniors, disabled people and those on special diets, and people who have difficulty cooking for themselves.

"They know that with Meals on Wheels they're at least being given one nutritious meal a day," Jardine said.

Some volunteers turn their time helping out into a family event, especially when children's grandparents live in Yellowknife, said Jardine.

"A lot of people like to have their young people help them on Meals on Wheels, and their children can have contact with seniors," said Jardine.

Along with general volunteers, the program is helped by the YWCA, the Church of Christ, St. Pat's Parish, the Anglican Church and the United Church.