Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (May 05/00) - Information kiosks, banners and flowers are sprouting as part of city beautification efforts.
Greg Keough, manager of public works and engineering, said he is enthusiastic about the instalment of what he calls kiosks in the downtown area.
These kiosks display a map of the downtown area, showing tourists where they are currently situated and how to get to other destinations.
One large kiosk has been erected outside the post office and another near the Toronto Dominion bank. Three more will be installed downtown within the coming weeks.
Banners sporting the City of Yellowknife logo and flower baskets will also be hung from the new ornamental street lights, rounding out attempts to beautify the downtown surroundings.
These efforts will complete last year's $200,000 beautification plan.
The city's community services department are doing their part as well. Tony Burge, facility manager for the city's community services department, said several areas are now being looked at for greening.
Seeds will be planted inside the meridian on Franklin Avenue from the fire hall to Winks convenience store, in the Tommy Forrest Ball Park, and other areas. Burge said plans for a walking trail will be considered for the area between the Igloo Inn up towards Lahm Ridge Tower.
"People are constantly walking there so we want to put in a trail to save the grass," said Burge.
A number of damaged trees in the city are slated for replacement as well.
Keough said his goal is to have the downtown beautification efforts completed by Raven Mad Daze in June.