Jorge Bererra
Northern News Services
Yellowknife ( May 17/00) - When trade show participants began dismantling their displays Sunday evening, the floor of the Yellowknife Community Arena looked like a living room on Christmas morning, after the presents had been opened.
The cold and snowy weekend pulled many people into the warmth of the Yellowknife Community arena, as over 7,000 people walked through the gates to experience the Spring Trade Show.
Ellie Sasseville, executive director of the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce, could only express her content over the success of this year's trade show in two words, "Fabulous, excellent."
Inkit Ltd. representative Rob Butler said his company received much more exposure this year.
"A lot more people came through than last year," said Butler. "It was great."
Karen Pickering, of Joie de Vivre, said the spring trade show is one of the most important mediums for advertising.
"We changed our name, the trade show was a great opportunity for people to get reacquainted with us," she said.
John Lodge, of Visual Effects Picture Framing, said the trade show was a success, but things could be done to improve it.
"Setting up and moving out is a little difficult," he said.
Butler also believes the transition in and out of the arena is difficult for participants.
"The moving in and moving out is a big problem," he said.
Gordon Van Tighem, past president of the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce, said organizers have to do their best with what they have.
"With the facilities we have, this is the best that can be done," he said.
"We are looking for a bigger facility," said Sasseville.
"We have done things this year to accommodate the participants," she said. "We shortened the Sunday hours to give them more time to move out."
Organizers are already thinking about the next trade show, scheduled for some time in the fall.
Paring non-profit booths with business displays could be a new wrinkle in the next trade show's fabric.
"We might consider it," said Sasseville.