Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Rankin Inlet ( May 15/00) - There's no substitute for experience.
That was the idea behind the craft co-ordinator at the Rankin Inlet Kataujaq Day-Care Centre's project to have local kids learn a bit about life.
Amanda McLarty has sponsored a foster child for the past two years.
Her experience in helping to provide for India's Bentia Sundass, 7, gave her an idea on how to get kids more involved in their community and show them how many children in the world lack even the basic necessities of life.
"We gave them the opportunity to take some items over to the food bank and then we got involved with fostering," says McLarty.
"I had learned a lot from my experience with Bentia and thought this would be a good project for the kids."
After having her idea approved by parents and the Kataujaq Society's director, the day care applied to foster a child for $31 a month through World Vision.
The day-care kids are now the proud sponsors of a four-year-old Sri Lankan girl, Sinthujah.
Kids and staff at the day care donate $1 a month towards the program.
"Donations go into our little money jar and our manager, Sharon Brown, sends it off at the end of the month.
"It's pretty impressive how much $31 a month helps these kids, helping to provide food, clothes and education."
The kids' sponsorship helps Sinthujah go to school and she takes a singing class.
The day care has received an information package with pictures of Sinthujah and they sent her birthday presents when she turned 4 in April.
McLarty says the kids get a sense of pride from helping someone who doesn't have much.
She says they take pride in the projects they make for her
They always ask questions.
"It's good to help the kids realize they can make a difference in the world and help change things.
"If everybody would give a little to help people out, it would make a difference in the world.
"When children learn about this when they're young, they can become passionate about helping out.
"That helps give them a sense of giving when they grow up and we need more of that in the world."