Drama camp returns
Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Apr 21/00) - The NWT Summer School for the Performing Arts is gearing up for another summer drama camp after its successful resurrection last year, and could even be expanded.
After a 10-year absence, a promising comeback was made last summer when a week-long drama camp was held at Mildred Hall school. A maximum of 16 youths registered between the ages of 11 and 13.
Heather Ross, president of the NWT Summer School for the Performing Arts, met with about a dozen interested parents at the organization's annual general meeting on Monday.
Ross says if things go her way, the 2000 drama camp will be offered in two sessions rather than one.
"We're hoping to offer a half-day class for nine- and 10-year-olds and regular theatre classes for 11- to 13-year-olds all day long," she said.
The NWT Summer School for the Performing Arts is also hoping to establish a scholarship program for junior and senior high school students who will be attending a summer school program in the south.
"It was approved at the annual general meeting that we would offer at least three ($500) scholarships -- one for music, one for theatre and one for dance."
"We're going to try and get it in place for this year. I think we may be a little too late, but we will certainly have it in place for next year."
Ross and the organization's two other board members are currently working out the criteria for the scholarship program.
"Hopefully, we're going to be able to grow, as the years go on, to be able to offer a lot more classes to get a lot more kids involved," said Ross.
She said the organization is working on an experimental basis to try and get its "feet wet."
"We don't want to go too big too fast," she said.
Registration for the age 11-13 drama camp will begin some time in May. The camp runs from July 10-14 at a location to be announced at a later date.
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