Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Rankin Inlet (Apr 19/00) - Hooking up elders and youth has been the theme in Rankin Inlet this month.
More than 100 people turned out for the Elders and Youth Fishing Derby held at the south end of Big Meliadine Lake.
The derby was sponsored by the Makkuktut Sangitilirput (Youth Getting Stronger) program, and local merchants and organizations donated prizes which were awarded for the longest fish and a number of different games played during the April 8 weekend.
Arsene Siksik, who caught the longest fish, won two tickets from the Keewatin to Churchill, courtesy of Calm Air. Eva Nukapiak won a carving for second place and Jack Kabvitok won a knapsack full of prizes for third.
Dale Smutylo, youth co-ordinator of the program, says he's hoping the derby becomes an annual event.
"This was more than just a fishing derby," says Smutylo. "Some people brought their kids and they were all sliding down the hills on their sled.
"They were playing various kinds of dice games in the afternoon and every time there was a winner, we'd pull a prize out of the bag. People were going to all different parts of the lake to try the fishing."
Smutylo says there was some good interaction between the elders and youth throughout the weekend. He had youth digging holes, clearing snow and helping elders get set-up for fishing.
"When an elder wanted a hole drilled, they would ask a youth or myself and we'd drill it out for them. The elders seemed to really enjoy the attention.
"I noticed that even though the weather wasn't perfect, everybody seemed genuinely happy with the event and glad to be out having a good time."
Two Rankin families decided to make the derby a true weekend affair by camping in iglus.
Timothy Akerolik's family constructed an iglu and Jack and Aline Kabvitok arrived by dog team before building their iglu.
"That was kind of neat because people were going in and out of the iglus and having coffee and tea and talking. The weekend saw everyone share some good quality time together," said Smutylo.