Darrel Greer
Northern News Services
Arviat ( Mar 01/00) - While it may not have been appreciated by everyone he met, the late Arviat mayor Ralph King's direct approach produced results.
Hamlet senior administrative officer Darren Flynn knew King since 1985 and developed a friendship with him after moving to Arviat in 1992.
He says King's no-nonsense approach made him easy to deal with on the job.
"Ralph would call it as he saw it," says Flynn. "If it was black, there was no grey when it came to issues.
"Some people didn't like that, while others did appreciate it.
"When you worked for Ralph, you knew exactly where you stood."
King, who passed away Jan. 24 at the age of 61, was well-known for his strong work ethic and he expected the same from others. He insisted on having things done right and on time.
"I considered Ralph a good friend. Anything I would have asked of him, he would have done and vice-versa," says Flynn.
There can be no denying King produced results.
He was the hamlet of Arviat's first secretary/manager to produce a surplus.
King was also the driving force behind the first arena in the Kivalliq, which still bears his name.
"Ralph was behind a lot of the projects we've done here in the past few years.
"We took an expanded role in project management and authority in Arviat during the past four years and Ralph was one of the people supporting that, both when he was on council and when he wasn't," says Flynn.
King's wife, Jackie, remembers the Arviat arena project well.
She says that project -- and the success of local business ventures such as a bed and breakfast, arcade and Ralph's Taxi -- showed King's determination when he set out to accomplish something.
"He got the material for that arena and had people volunteer to do the foundation," says Jackie with a laugh.
"He even had me and the kids working doing cement.
"He would get people involved to do stuff like that, to make something for the community.
"We were all so proud when the arena was finished and they named it after him."
Jackie describes Ralph as a wonderful man, who was a strict but loving father to their four children.
She says Ralph made her strong and taught her how to run her own business.
"I started my own sewing business with his help, and it's still going strong," says Jackie.
"Ralph left us with many wonderful friends and we miss him dearly."