City supports pension fight
Cindy MacDougall
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Mar 15/00) - City council unanimously passed a motion Monday night supporting the retired Giant miners' fight to regain their full pensions.
Coun. Kevin O'Reilly brought the motion forward, calling the 25 per cent cuts to pensions and the lack of proper severance pay to other workers "a grave injustice."
"These workers' pensions were underfunded by $2 million," O'Reilly said. "I can't believe these things continue to happen in our country."
Council's motion calls on the federal government to ensure the retirees receive their full pensions, ensure the laid-off workers their full severance, and amend legislation, such as the Pension Benefit Act and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, so other Canadian workers will never face this situation.
These demands are the same as the ones outlined on the pensioners' 1,500-signature petition.
Giant mine pensioner Don McNenly spoke at the meeting. He said he appreciated council's support.
"Their support should give weight to the political (fight)," he said.
"Now we plan to get more signatures for the petition and get it tabled at the House of Commons by a member of parliament."
Coun. Bob Brooks said he wants to take the city's support one step further. He said he plans to bring the issue to the NWT Association of Municipalities and the Canadian Federation of Municipalities.