Maria Canton
Northern News Services
Iqaluit (Mar 13/00) - When a group of women meet on Monday nights to kick back, relax and enjoy a cup of java, only one rule applies -- women only.
The group started meeting last September in a comfortable and cozy room at the Mamisainiq - Wellness Centre in Iqaluit.
Six months later they have become close friends who get together not only on Mondays, but also on Saturdays for coffee.
They trade stories from the week just passed, and share experiences as well as a lot of laughter.
"I heard about the group, and being new in town, I wanted to come out," says Jen Bobb, who moved to Iqaluit in October of last year.
"We talk about whatever we feel like, anything really. I always leave feeling supported and renewed and our friendships now go further than just meeting here."
The brainchild of Catherine Acomba, the group came together when she wanted to provide a place for working women to take a break.
"It isn't me who is making this happen, it's the women involved," said Acomba.
"I just provide the resources and they make it happen.
"But it makes me feel as though I have contributed in some way to some of the women in the community."
Svetlana Lapshina, who is celebrating her one-month anniversary of being in Iqaluit, and who shares her stories from Russia, says with working so many long hours, she was pleased to find a group to hang out with.
"The first night that I planned on coming I thought it sounded interesting and I wanted to meet wonderful women," she said.
"It's great and the setting is great."
In the informal setting, the women are curled up in chairs, discussing the particulars of bringing a qamutik next week to give everyone a ride home in.
The number of women who participate in the gatherings fluctuates between six and 10, and they have recently prepared a proposal for funding to host a local women's retreat weekend.
"We've prepared the proposal and I've secured two facilitators to give meditation and yoga classes over the weekend," said Acomba.
"The (retreat) is something I thought 'If I can make this happen for the ladies, why not?' They deserve it."
The retreat is planned for the first week in June and Acomba says space is the only limiting factor.