Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services
Pond Inlet (Mar 13/00) - A new facility in Pond Inlet has taken some of the weight off women's shoulders.
Called Naurainnuk -- a term of affection between parents and children -- until a logo and name contest is held sometime this spring, the 20-child day-care facility gives women and their families another option in the North Baffin.
"I know personally how difficult it is to find good, reliable day care," said Ester Leck, the co-ordinator and driving force behind the newly opened facility.
"Students and working parents don't have to worry about babysitting now," she said.
Complete with a view of the bay and Bylot Island, Naurainnuk was funded by federal money allotted to build day-care centres. Leck has been involved with the Pond Inlet project since 1994.
Six years and a great deal of work later, the Pond Inlet day-care society is on the receiving end of the federal program and with $200,000 in hand, the residents of Pond Inlet are benefiting.
Leck said when families drop their kids off, they will be able to rest assured the service the children receive will be of great benefit later in life.
"It's going to be a culturally appropriate, holistic approach for the beginning of the education process. That begins at any age and that's why we want to create programs like that for infants and toddlers under two years of age," said Leck.
"That will give them more social skills when they start kindergarten. That's what we want to provide."
Leck also stressed Naurainnuk's open-door policy and said the six full- and part-time staff were eager to take direction and guidance from the community.
"Any parents or community members can come in and take a look," she said.
"Our door is always open."