Scott Crabbe
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Mar 10/00) - What began as a movement of women struggling for better working conditions and recognition of their fundamental rights has emerged into a celebration of spirit and hope.
International Women's Day was recognized in Yellowknife last Wednesday, and celebrations continued throughout the week.
"March 8 is one of the most important dates in the calendar year for those who are interested in women's equality issues," said Barb Norwegian, special advisor to the minister responsible for the Status of Women.
"It is a day when countries around the world celebrate the achievements women have made in their ongoing commitment to improving quality of life for all."
The NWT celebration recognizes the work of determined women who, through their timeless efforts, have brought forth shelters and programs to fight against family violence.
"Women up here might say that violence has been one of the greatest hurdles to overcome," said Rosemary Cairns, executive director for the Status of Women Council of the NWT.
A luncheon was held at the legislative assembly to commemorate Woman's Day and recognize extraordinary women from around the North.
Five different women from five different regions received a Wise Woman award for their contribution to the community.
Yellowknife's Ingrid Kritsch received this honour for her dedication to anthropology research of Gwich'in ties to the land and commitment of nearly 20 years work with the Metis Nation, Dene Cultural Institute and the Gwich'in Social and Cultural institute.
Achievements throughout the past century for women were also recognized through the lunch hour.
"I feel that the persons' case decision (the 1929 decision declaring that the term "person" in article 24 of the British North America Act include members of the female gender) was one of the most important accomplishments for women (in the last century)," Cairns said.
Some community event highlights that are running throughout next week include tonight's Amnesty International film presentation Voices of Change, held at Javaroma in the NorthwesTel building, and tomorrow's Health and Fitness Fair, running from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Northern United Place auditorium.