Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jan 05/00) - Lifting a lunch-hour parking restriction has been good for business, according to many downtown businessowners.
Yellowknife City Council narrowly passed a motion on Dec. 13 to stop enforcing the parking ban along Franklin Ave. between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., for a three- month trial period.
And the parking changes didn't end there as shoppers also got a break from putting money in the meter from Dec. 13-Jan. 3.
Manuela Keenan, owner of Flowers by Manuela, said customers have also responded to the parking changes over the holiday season with great enthusiasm.
"We've had customers that have said that they are quite happy that they could just park out front, pick up the flowers and keep on trucking without worrying about them freezing."
Bob Wilson, owner of Yellowknife Foto Source, agrees.
"It's been super," he said. "People have been saying that it is much easier for them, especially the older people.
"It was a very courageous decision on the city's part. I hope they continue to have lunch-hour parking all year round. I've been watching carefully and I haven't noticed any traffic snarls or road rage because of it."
While most Yk businessowners are pleased with the city's decision, a few say they haven't seen significant changes as a result of the lifted parking restrictions.
"I haven't really noticed the difference," said Barry Neary, owner of For Men Only, when asked if the changes increased his business over the holidays.
"But I think it's a nice idea," he added.
Jim White, owner of Fiddles and Stix Music Centre, said it's difficult to tell if the downtown parking break has improved sales because of the time of year.
"This is the busiest time of year for us," White said. "We've seen nothing but the normal increase that you would expect.
"No one has commented one way or the other," he added.