Doug Ashbury
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jan 12/00) - Company and union have agreed on how many union members will getting back to work at Giant mine, said Canadian Autoworkers Local 2304 president Marc Danis.
The two sides -- Miramar Mining Corp., which bought the Giant mine from the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development after the federal department acquired the property from the interim receiver -- have agreed to 45 hourly staff, said Danis.
"We thought there would be more. We wanted 50 or 60," he said.
The 45 workers are part of about 280 people who were laid off three months ago, after Royal Oak went bankrupt.
Danis said he understands from Miramar that 50 people, 45 hourly as well as five staff, will be needed to run Giant. Several weeks ago, when Miramar confirmed it was the successful bidder for the Giant mine, the company said it would need as many as 50 workers to run Giant as a satellite operation.
Miramar spokesperson Brian Labadie was not immediately available for comment.
"A number of guys have been recalled. Over half the 45," Danis said. "From what I understand, they are getting the mine ready for production.
"We're still in contact with Miramar. We've agreed that the process will continue and we will grieve what we feel is worth grieving. It's not confrontational."
Danis said one of the sticking points centres on job classifications. There is also discussion on who should be called back, Danis said.
"We'll follow through on behalf of the guys we feel should be there."
If there is a need for people to work on a temporary basis, Danis said the union will also attempt to get that work for its members.