Cindy MacDougall
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jan 12/00) - The Yellowknife airport manager is concerned about public safety after vandals shot out two runway approach lights.
"The area where it occurred is relatively close to the Range Lake subdivision," said airport manager Tom Cook.
"Breaking two lights from the approach system is not a major situation, but the idea that someone would be shooting randomly around an airport and a subdivision is."
He said the lights were shot out in two separate incidents between Dec. 10 and Dec. 24. The problem was discovered during routine inspections.
Cook said he didn't report the destruction to the police immediately.
"We were telling some RCMP officers the story and they urged us to formally report it," Cook said.
The approach lights aid pilots in lining their planes up with the correct runway.
RCMP Const. Denise Potvin said it appears the lights were be shot out by a high-calibre rifle.
She said shooting on airport property and within the city limits is a serious criminal offence.
"It is an extremely dangerous thing to do," she said.
"We are asking for the public's assistance in finding the person or persons responsible."
Anyone with information on the lights is asked to call Yellowknife RCMP or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.