Dane Gibson
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Dec 06/99) - Even though we're less than three weeks away from Christmas, Santa Claus and his wife, Mrs. Claus, took time out of their hectic schedule recently to speak to Yklife after the parade that carries their namesake -- the Yellowknife Santa Claus Parade.
After the event, Santa thanked his lead reindeer, Rudolph, for a job well done, wiped a bead of sweat off his brow, and said with a baritone "Ho, Ho, Ho" that it was all in a day's work.
"I'm extremely glad to take time away from North Pole activities to say hello to the children and to greet them in person, because many don't see me on Christmas Eve," said Santa.
"It's a very busy time of year because I'm making sure all the children's requests are getting filled and that the elves in the toy factory are producing toys on schedule."
As for operations at the North Pole, Santa said they are Y2K compliant and in good shape for the coming millennium.
"We renovated the North Pole facilities with new computer-automated toy-making machines and new schedulers to make sure everything is online for Christmas," said Santa.
When asked if the automation procedures put any of his workers out of a job, Santa let out a jolly laugh.
"Actually, the elves were quite pleased because it made many of their tasks much easier. Besides, each and every elf has their own special magic that can't be replaced."
Mrs. Claus was happy to be able to make the trip to Yellowknife, but said keeping Santa on track is a full-time job.
"I have to make sure that Santa remembers everybody, and he's starting to get forgetful which is making my job more difficult," said Mrs. Claus.
She said during the Santa Claus parade, Santa lost his belt somewhere along the parade route so she's asking for a little extra help this Christmas.
"Santa's lost a little weight this year and I know this because he lost his belt somewhere," said Mrs. Claus.
"If all the boys and girls out there could help me out by leaving Santa some extra cookies, that would be great."
She said while Santa is away in his loaded sleigh delivering presents, she's busy at the North Pole preparing for his return.
"I'll have his fluffy slippers ready and clean beds and food ready for the reindeer because they're all so tired from the Christmas Eve trip," she said.
"I'll also let you in on a little secret. Two years ago, I got Santa a whirlpool bath so when he gets home, he can rest his tired bones in it."
Before hitching up his sleigh to head back to the North Pole, Santa had a quick message for us all.
"I want to remind people that when they see someone who may need it, don't hesitate to share a little happiness," said Santa.
"Sometimes all it takes is a smile and a hug to brighten a person's life. And that's a gift you can give all year round," he said with a hearty Ho, Ho, Ho.