Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Dec 01/99) - A Sail North co-owner said the city is getting out of its depth in purchasing the Giant property.
"I don't trust this administration and city council," said Barb O'Neil, co-owner of Sail North, which owns a marina in Old Town.
"If this is the cornerstone and justification of for this deal, I have serious concerns about competition."
O'Neil said council is mistaken if it views the facility that exists at the Giant mine property as a marina -- "That's like saying the public dock is a marina."
The property would require a raft of improvements -- including dredging and construction of a breakwater --and a raft of approvals to be made into a marina, O'Neil said.
It is generally accepted that the lake bed in front of the property the city is considering taking over is contaminated with arsenic trioxide from the Giant roaster.
DIAND spokesperson Dave Nutter said since the lake bed is outside of the Giant lease, it is not subject to the cleanup being conducted by the federal and territorial governments.
O'Neil said the prospect of having a new marina developed at Giant, plus changes that may be part of the city's waterfront management study, have made her hesitant to invest more money in the Sail North operation.
Councillors said the property would not necessarily be developed by the city.
"I don't see this as a first step to a city-owned facility, but securing a site where a private marina can be built," said Coun. Alan Woytuik.