Derek Neary
Northern News Services
FORT LIARD (Oct 29/99) - The business agreements just keep coming in Fort Liard.
This week Beaver Enterprises, a band-owned company, announced that it has signed an agreement with Mullen Trucking Inc. to provide oilfield hauling equipment.
"It'll help us establish ourselves with oilfield equipment," said Shane Parrish, general manager of the Fort Liard Valley Band Development Corporation.
The deal also means that band employees receive specialized training in the trade. Parrish said some band employees -- he is unsure how many at this point -- will be sent to Mullen's training school in Calgary as soon as this winter.
"There's going to be opportunities for a bunch of people in Liard here and other areas ... we've got a lot of opportunities, more opportunities than we have people," he said.
Through its subsidiary companies, Mullen Transportation Inc. operates a fleet of over 300 trucks and 1,000 trailers, many of which are specialized and require highly-trained personnel.
Services include drilling rig relocation, conductor pipe setting, transporting oversize and overweight shipments and pipe stringing services for oil and gas pipeline construction. Their clients include oil and gas operators and drilling companies across western Canada.
Parrish said discussions are currently under way to determine whether a facility for the trucking division will be established in Fort Liard to be used by Beaver Enterprises and Mullen Trucking.
"But things are expanding kind of rapidly here so space is at a premium," he said.
Bruce Mullen, vice- president of Mullen Trucking Inc., stated in a press release that the goal is to get younger people in the community involved in transportation.
"We look forward to working with Chief Deneron, the employees of Beaver Enterprises and the people of the area," Mullen added.