Joyce Caines
Northern News Services
CAPE DORSET (Oct 25/99) - The dream of Terry Fox, an outstanding athlete and a cancer patient from Coquitlam, B.C., lives on for every Canadian who participates each September in the annual Terry Fox Run.
This major fund-raiser for the Cancer Research Foundation was held in Cape Dorset, Sept. 23, and 162 students from Peter Pitseolak school participated. Staff and other community members also took part in the event.
As one of the organizers, I attribute the success of this event to the many community members who contributed their time, skills and money. A total of $825.62 was raised through student canvassing, T-shirt sales and a donation from social services.
Nunavut Construction Corporation employees, Brian Lane and Glen Fisher, made signs to mark the route. Noah Tunille, Joe Joanasie, students and hamlet employees assisted in placing the signs along the road.
Hotdogs and condiments were donated by the Kinngait Co-op and the Northern Store and the Kinngait Inn donated juice following the run. Michael Moriarity, a nurse at the Health Centre, pitched in and helped school staff serve refreshments.
RCMP Cpl. Steve Wright advertised the event on the radio and school secretary Mary Kudlu got the word out in Inuktitut on the street during weekly radio broadcasts.
In the week before the run, students learned about Terry Fox in their classes. Three of the senior students were awarded prizes for winning a writing contest on Terry Fox -- Christine Stewart, Etidloie Toonoo and Ashevak Taukie. Aggiaq Petaulassie and Jimmy Etidluie were the winners from junior secondary.
Learning the geography of Canada happened coincidentally as students followed Fox's Marathon of Hope route across Canada, beginning in St. John's, Nfld. In 1980, Fox's goal was to increase public awareness about cancer and to raise funds for cancer research.
The obstacles Fox had to face -- including his artificial leg, Canada's climate and terrain and his battle with cancer -- gave students insight into his determination to persevere in the face of adversity. Students could connect with a young, ordinary Canadian who worked so hard.
I worked with adolescents in Coquitlam three years after Fox died of cancer. Many times I looked at the statue and plaque to commemorate his life and times.
Watching the students of Peter Pitseolak school as they ran along the roads of Cape Dorset brought the memory of Terry's spirit and that statue to life for me.