Acho Dene Koe sets staff, payroll record
Doug Ashbury
Northern News Services
NNSL (Sep 06/99) - Employee and wage levels for ADK Holdings Ltd. hit their highest levels ever last month, it was revealed.
ADK Holdings includes Beaver Enterprises Ltd., Liard Fuel Centre and Deh Cho Air Ltd. Work ranges from road construction to camp and food services.
During August, the companies, owned by Acho Dene Koe (Fort Liard Band) employed a record 201 people.
As well as the record number of employees, ADK hit a record payroll, Shane Parrish, ADK general manager, said in a release.
Over a two-week period in August, the band paid out $369,000. That works out to an average of $918 per person per week.
About three-quarters of the workforce is Northern with about two-thirds aboriginal, the band said. About 600 people live in Fort Liard.
"The summer is normally the slow season for our companies but we are busier now than we were at the peak of last winter's activity, Parrish said.
Seismic activity, spurred by the successful Chevron K-29 natural gas well, has kept the companies busy, the band said.
Chevron Canada and Paramount Resources have selected Beaver Enterprises as the main contractor for new road and lease construction for their expanded drilling program through summer and fall, the band said.
Parrish adds that the band's goal is to hire Northern, but adds there is a need for more transportation links in the Deh Cho region.
The band says it is easier to bring workers in from Edmonton than it is from Fort Providence, for example.
"We've asked the territorial and federal governments to assist in setting up transportation links between Northern communities."
ADK Holdings has also asked both governments for assistance in setting up an employment outreach office.
As well as Beaver Enterprises, the Liard Fuel Centre and Deh Cho Air, the band also has a joint-venture with Northern Mountain Helicopters -- Deh Cho Helicopters.
The band's drill rig joint-venture, Akita/Sahcho Drilling Ltd., employs 12 Deh Cho residents.