Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
RANKIN INLET (Sep 22/99) - People in Rankin Inlet will have a great chance to get out for a little exercise, have a few laughs and, just maybe, win some great prizes next month when the CIBC holds its annual Run for the Cure event.
Corinne Maltais, run co-ordinator, says this is the third year the CIBC is the title sponsor for the event and the second year Rankin has taken part.
The run will begin at the Rankin CIBC on Sunday,Oct. 3 at 1 p.m.
The event benefits the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, with funds raised going towards breast cancer research, education, diagnosis and treatment.
Participants can run or walk either five kilometres or one kilometre.
"Generally, we just do the one kilometre here in Rankin, going around the lake, past the co-op and back up," says Maltais.
The cost to those who registered before Sept. 17 was $25 and it's $30 for those who register between now and the event.
The registration fee is waived for participants who collect more than $100 dollars in donations.
"What seems to work here in Rankin, as far as attracting people out to the event, is that we collect various prizes from businesses here in town.
"Our grand prize this year is a trip for two anywhere Canadian North flies."
Only people registered for the event are eligible for the grand prize, while the names of those who make donations go into a draw for the bevy of prizes donated by local businesses.
"We have a lot of great prizes for this event because the response has been really great this year," says Maltais.
The Rankin Run for the Cure raised about $1,200 last year and Maltais says run organizers are hoping to beat that amount by a wide margin this year.
"This is a nationwide campaign that we're proud to be a part of. There were 48 participants our initial year and it looks like we're going to top that this year.
"This is really a great way to have a lot of fun and help raise some money for a truly worthy cause."