Doug Ashbury
Northern News Services
NNSL (Sep 13/99) - The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board is seeking public input on the proposed natural gas pipeline development, it was announced. The pipeline is located in the Liard valley.
The board said in a release that its draft terms of reference, on which the public is invited to comment, are instructions to the developer and cover issues which would be addressed in the companies' environmental assessment report.
The board is accepting comments on the draft terms of reference until Friday, Sept. 24.
Ranger Oil Ltd. Chevron Resources Canada, and Canadian Forest Oil, proposed to build a small-diameter pipeline from their respective well sites, north of Fort Liard. The underground pipeline, running about 50 kilometres, would tie into the existing Pointed Mountain pipeline. Estimated cost of building the pipeline is $52 million.
As part of its environmental assessment, the board will also hold public meetings in Fort Liard and Fort Simpson the week of Sept. 20.
Documents relating to this proposed development are filed in the review board's public registry, located at the Scotia Centre in Yellowknife. Documents are accessible on 24 hours notice.