Glen Korstrom
Northern News Services
NNSL (Aug 06/99) - Potential candidates are starting to come out of the woodwork now that Dec. 6 has been set as the date for the next election.
City councillor Dave Ramsay, former mayor Pat McMahon and teacher Beaton Mackenzie have all decided that they will throw their hats into the ring to run for the seven Yellowknife MLA spots.
Others say they are thinking about it.
Arlene Hache, from the Yellowknife Women's Centre and Roy Desjarlais, who has been active with the Aboriginal Sports Circle are both considering running.
So is real estate agent and former city councillor Marie Coe and current city councillor Robert Slaven.
All prospective candidates must be nominated by 15 eligible votes as well as pay a $200 deposit, which is refundable if the candidate earns half the votes of the winning candidate.
Nominations open with the issuing of the writ, set for Oct. 22. They stay open until Nov. 1 at 2 p.m. with the candidate having until 8 p.m. that evening to remove their name.
"I always have been intending to run," city councillor Ramsay said.
"The timing is just about right."
He said come fall he will have seen through three city budgets and he will be then ready to take his experience to the next level: MLA.
Like many people who are considering running, Ramsay is unsure what seat he aims to represent.
Aside from those who have confirmed their intention to run or that they are thinking of running, the rumour mill abounds with names of others who are either unavailable for comment or on vacation.
Jonas Sangris, former Yellowknives Dene Band Chief, was not available for comment but several others cited his name for a likely bid.
Gary Bohnet of the Metis Nation did not reject the idea outright but declined to say whether he is thinking about the job.
"This is too early for a piece on who's running," said former Yellowknife mayor Pat McMahon even though she confirmed she will try for a seat.
And perhaps the person most rumoured to be considering a run is former finance minister John Todd.
"I don't think I will but you never rule anything out," Todd said.