Maria Canton
Northern News Services
NNSL (Aug 23/99) - A forest fire that saw the evacuation of the hamlet of Edzo was more than 80 per cent contained, said a fire boss from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development late Friday afternoon.
"We've had the control lines in place since Thursday night," said Gord Bohnet.
"Our crews safely secured Edzo last Wednesday by constructing a fire guard between the town and the fire."
A fireguard is an area of forest and brush that is intentionally ignited to reduce fuel and slow down the threatening fire.
The community was at risk last Tuesday after lightning started a forest fire, jeopardizing the small hamlet of 300.
For a day and a half, Edzo stood deserted while fire crews fought the blaze from the air and on the ground.
Five water bombers, an air tanker, helicopters and 14 crews of five people worked to contain the fire within the perimeters of the more than 1,000 burning hectares.
"The fire is considered out of control until crews enforce the entire perimeter of the fire," said Bohnet.
"Depending on the weather and behaviour of the fire, we could be in good shape in about 10 days."
Last Tuesday and Wednesday, however, the possibility did exist that properties in Edzo could be lost.
The fire department had started hosing down houses with water to protect them from the heat of the nearby flames.
"They could see the flames and feel the heat from their doors," said Cpl. Mark Wharton of the Rae-Edzo detachment of the RCMP.
"There was no problem convincing them to leave. It was common sense."
A heavy downpour of rain and changing winds, however, shifted the direction of the fire, completely taking Edzo out of danger.
By 10 p.m. last Wednesday, residents were allowed to return to their homes and the state of emergency was called off.
Crews continue to mop up the area and monitor the situation closely.