Glen Korstrom
Northern News Services
NNSL (Aug 20/99) - Though nervous about moving to Ontario and leaving her hometown of Yellowknife, Rebecca Wong calls her next stage in life a "big adventure."
The 17-year-old is one of many Yellowknife students to receive scholarships for their work last year and their intended goals.
Wong's scholarship is the $1,500 Michelle Biscaro scholarship from Sir John Franklin high school for someone entering the communications field.
"I'm going to try to get into the media," said the soft-spoken but friendly student who claimed to have only above average marks.
"I'm nervous about going to Queens. It's a big step but I chose them because they have a good reputation."
Guaranteed student housing was another factor that helped Queens nudge out Simon Fraser University.
Many other NWT students who follow in Wong's footsteps will have scholarships on their mind -- particularly those from the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation (CMSF).
The Department of Education, Culture and Employment and CMSF has signed an agreement to enable NWT students to access up to $4.3 million during the next 10 years from the CMSF.
Wong, who was nominated by student advisors for her scholarship, said every bit helps and some advice to others could be to apply for as many scholarships as possible.
As for the CMSF scholarships, students enroled in full-time post-secondary studies in the 1999-2000 academic year will be the first in the NWT eligible to receive 133 general awards of $3,000 each plus other awards to equal the $4.3 million.
Scholarships will be awarded in two main categories: financial need and merit.
The merit category considers leadership, academic excellence and community service.
Students who intend to apply for the awards must fill out a needs assessment form.
Candidates will be identified by the end of October 1999 and cheques are set to be issued in January 2000 once recipients are confirmed in a post-secondary program.
Financial assistance worker France Benoit said the application is not ready yet, but students on financial assistance will receive the application form within the next six weeks at their permanent address.
As for Wong, aside from her scholarship, she intends to pay for her education through money she has saved from working at Color Works Hair Studio.
"Other than that it's pretty much from my parents," she said.
"I'm lucky."