Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services
IQALUIT (Aug 16/99) - Conflict and internal strife surrounding the firing of the Qikiqtaaluk Corp.'s chief executive officer seem to be far from over.
Jerry Ell, the birthright corporation's president for the last three years, announced last week that he plans to sue Pitseolak Pfeifer, the former CEO, for defamation of character. Ell explained that following Pfeifer's recent termination from the corporation, Pfeifer turned around and accused him of using corporation dollars for his own personal use.
"Within an hour and a half of being terminated, he wrote a letter to the president of the Qikiqtani Inuit Association alleging that I have committed fraud, that there has been a breach of trust and there has been misappropriation of funds," said Ell.
QC is the business arm of the Qikiqtani Inuit Association, the Baffin's regional Inuit organization.
Ell said that Pfeifer's allegations were totally unwarranted and without basis and had not only damaged his reputation, but had seriously interfered with his personal and professional life.
"It affects my capabilities to carry out my duties. Just on that basis alone, there are grounds for a lawsuit," said Ell.
"These allegations don't help the relationship I've built up with (the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs) and financial institutions. All of that is in jeopardy now."
After receiving the letter, Ell said the QIA executive immediately proceeded to launch an investigation and was still in the process of going over the books from the last three years. He said he was told that their auditors and legal counsel would wrap up their inquiry early next week and while he was sure the investigation would show that he did not misuse beneficiary dollars, he said the stigma of the accusations would linger.
The former CEO has so far declined to comment on his termination and has also refused to confirm the existence of the letter or explain why he didn't come forward with the allegations prior to his dismissal. In the letter itself Pfeifer wrote that even though he knew of the improprieties, he remained silent to protect Ell.
The corporation's executive council fired Pfeifer on July 28 following a two-and-a-half-week long investigation. Ell still refuses to comment on the reason for Pfeifer's termination and will only say that it was a private and confidential matter.