Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services
NNSL (Aug 13/99) - When the city introduced a new cleanup bylaw it agreed to tread softly and not wield it like a big stick.
But that was more than a year ago, and now the Unsightly Lands Bylaw is being applied to two residences in town.
Cleanup orders were recently issued to the owners of two properties -- one at Dusseault Court and the other on the Forrest Drive Trailer Park -- following complaints from neighbours.
"We told administration we wanted to be advised when they wanted to bring a complaint forward," said Coun. Ben McDonald, chairman of the city's works and public safety committee.
"We know it can be a politically sensitive."
At the time it was discussed by council, McDonald said he was skeptical of the bylaw because it relied on development officers to determine what properties were unsightly.
He said he still has those concerns but is satisfied it is being applied responsibly.
Both properties are private homes. Cleanup orders were issued June 21 on the Dusseault Court property and July 15 on the Forrest Drive Trailer Park home.
Deadline for the cleanup on Dusseault has been extended indefinitely because of financial constraints faced by the owner, who has no vehicle, said a city staffer.
The cleanup order on the Forrest Drive home is being appealed. The bylaw contains a process that gives council the final say on appeals. The appeal is scheduled to be heard Monday at 7 p.m.
Speaking to the Yellowknifer earlier this week, property owner Lumen Marianayagam said the city has no business issuing a cleanup order because his home is under construction.
"The city is aware of that because they issued the permits," said Marianayagam.
"They're grumbling about materials on the lot, but this is a construction site."
A major renovation to a trailer and workshop has been under way since June of last year, said Marianayagam. The work, he said has been delayed a year because of harassment of him by the municipal enforcement division. He now expects to complete the work by September.