Kim Barraclough
Northern News Services
NNSL (July 09/99) - A job performance review is behind the public school board's attempt to dismiss superintendent Ken Woodley.
An affidavit filed in the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories alleges that Woodley threatened "key employees" with lawsuits if they provided information to the personnel committee or to the board.
Woodley answered the accusation in his own affidavit, stating: "I have never threatened staff in any way, nor have I intimated to staff that they should not speak to the board."
The legal action between Woodley and the board began shortly after Woodley was suspended with pay from his position at the Yellowknife District No. 1 school board June 3. His salary is $100,000 per year.
Woodley said the suspension harms his reputation and wants to see it quashed so he can go back to work and not have a bad name.
According to Schofield's affidavit, a performance review of Woodley was done a year ago and the next was not scheduled for two years. But when Mark Loan came on board in November of 1998 as the new personnel chairman, he called for a new review because he had not been present for the first.
Court proceedings have been adjourned until further notice.
"What I want out of all of this," said Woodley, "is to go back to work."
Woodley also said that despite the current conflict, he would be able to continue working with the board.
"That's my job, to work with the board."