Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services
NNSL (July 07/99) - Members of the Yellowknife Youth Volunteer Corps were treated to a special day of fun in their honour last Wednesday at McNiven Beach.
The Youth Big Beach Bash marked the second anniversary of the YYVC, and was organized by the corps managers to show their appreciation for all the hard work they have been doing over the last year.
Some of the activities available to volunteers for the event included mini-golf, a music dance party and a barbecue.
"Last year, we had over 150 youth volunteers and 54 non-profit agencies in Yellowknife volunteering approximately 1,715 hours of their time," Chrystal Gaudry, manager of volunteers with the Department of Social Services. "They painted for low-cost housing and volunteered with the Helping Hands project at the hospital (Stanton Regional).
"They also took part in the RCMP volunteer program by acting as the front face for the RCMP by answering the phones and filing reports plus a whole host of other festivals and activities. The beach bash is a way for showing our appreciation and recruiting youth volunteers."
The volunteer corps is operated in association with Storefront for Volunteers Agencies, a non-profit organization that co-ordinates community projects and volunteers giving assistance.
"Community projects are organized through YAC (Youth Advisory Committee)," said Natasha McCagg, manager of volunteers at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre."
"Anyone who wants us to help out with events, such as the Canada Day parade, applies for assistance and that goes to YAC for approval and then to Storefront. Youths are involved every step of the way," McCagg said.
"By giving young people the opportunity to volunteer in the community, it helps to alleviate the negative stereotypes attached to youth," McCagg added.
"It gives an awesome feeling about yourself when you're helping out and you can be with your friends," said YAC board member, Nancy MacNeill, in her reasoning for volunteering.
"My best friend was a volunteer and she got me into it," said fellow YAC member, Becky White.
"I got to go to an international volunteer conference in Edmonton last summer and I'm going to Calgary for a meeting and to do some planning."