Kim Barraclough
Northern News Services
NNSL (July 23/99) - The third annual quilt show held by the Yellowknife Quilters on the weekend was quite the "stitch"uation.
Many of the club's 100 members showcased their work at the show that was held as part of the Festival of the Midnight Sun.
According to executive member Bonnie McTiernan-Craig, this year's show was a little different from other years.
"There was lots of colour this year -- certainly more colour," said McTiernan-Craig.
In fact, there was an entire section devoted to colour. It featured the New York Beauty quilting style.
The colourful style was brought back from a southern workshop and taught to the members by Linda Kallos.
There was also a larger and more traditional section to the show, where artists featured classics such as Irish Chains.
The winner of the Viewer's Choice Award went to Pat Winter for her Alpen Blumen quilt. Leslie McManaman came in second with her Arctic Mist quilt and third-place winner was Pat Winter again with her Under the Spell of Mount Fuvi quilt.
The show was better received than other years and McTiernan-Craig said not only did the beauty of the work draw people in, the location definitely helped as well.
The show was held in the Centre Square Mall this year. Other years it was held in the back of the Scotia Centre.
"It was not as visible (before)," said McTiernan-Craig.
According to McTiernan-Craig, the popularity of quilting has increased a lot since the club was started in 1980 by Janet Sanderson. She said the most significant increase took place in the teenager age group. Apparently, there a few teenaged club members.
As for the reason quilting has become so popular in Yellowknife, McTiernan-Craig said it's simple really.
"It's addictive, the fabric just becomes beautiful -- it's the love of the fabric."
McTiernan-Craig added that it is also the spirit of the club that makes it popular.
"The reason it's (the quilting club) popular is we're really supportive."