Maria Canton
Northern News Services
NNSL (July 16/99) - Edith and Norm Mair celebrated their 68th birthdays on the road -- and on the seats of their bikes.
The Yellowknife couple has only been back in the city for a couple weeks since completing the second leg of their cross-Canada cycling trip and already they're planning part three.
From May to June, the Mairs cycled 3,230 kilometres of Canada's prairies, northern Ontario, the nation's capital and on to their final destination of Montreal.
"Cycling gives you such a sense of freedom," says Edith.
"You don't have to worry about phones or gas stations, just a new scene everyday."
In 1991, the couple cycled from St. John's, Nfld., to Montreal, in what was to become part one of a cross-Canada journey.
"This year, we rode from Regina to Montreal, reversing the direction to avoid the westerly head winds," said Norm.
Unfortunately, the winds were mostly from the north and east, but that didn't stop the couple, who only took two days rest until stopping in Ottawa for a week.
Travelling an average distance of about 80 kilometres a day, the Mairs crossed Saskatchewan and Manitoba in two weeks.
"Ontario took a long time to cross, it's much bigger than the prairies," said Norm.
"We spent the next month travelling through northern Ontario."
Riding 21-speed touring bikes weighed down with camping gear, food, tools and clothes, they managed to complete the trip flat-tire free.
"We had two sidewalls go, but I caught them before they could become flats," said Norm.
"We were lucky not to have a single puncture this time."
Already in the works are plans to complete the Canadian tour by riding from Regina to Victoria next June.
After that, all arrows are pointing to Argentina, because the cycling bug is nothing new to the Mairs.
"We want to cycle Argentina by the time we're 70," says Edith.
Eighteen years ago they celebrated their 50th birthdays by cycling a 1,600-kilometre stretch in Great Britain.
Then came the conquering of New Zealand, France, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Australia and Norway.
Norm has also cycled through Scotland with his 10-year-old grandson Lance.
Their total milage is an astounding 18,525 kilometres.
"Since we've retired we've been getting younger all of the time," laughs Edith.