Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jun 11/99) - It was all smiling faces last week at the NWT Native Women's Association office.
Eighteen students taking part in their academic upgrading program were celebrating their completion of the 1998/99 curriculum.
The celebration on June 4, included cheese and cracker platters, cake, and an overall feeling of pride and accomplishment for the women who participated in the program.
According to Debbie Weir, instructor for the program, its main purpose was to upgrade education for Aboriginal women and help them learn employment skills to succeed in the workforce.
"The objective of our program is to build on the strengths of the students and further their accomplishments," Weir said. "We offer courses in academic upgrading and instruction in employable work skills.
"One of the greatest enhancements of our program is the addition of our eight-station computer lab. We really stress learning computer skills because it is almost necessary these days to have some knowledge in computers," she said.
Many of the students who completed this year's program will continue in the fall or enrol in Arctic College. Weir hopes that the program, in operation since 1988, will be able to continue its success.
"We're applying for more funding to continue the program," Weir said. "It's been very successful so far. Four out of the 18 that completed the program this year have already found jobs. We've had a good record so far. Most of students find employment."