Maria Canton
Northern News Services
NNSL (May 05/99) - Yellowknife RCMP have initiated a new Family Relations Unit that will see an investigator dealing specifically with family issues reported to the detachment.
The new unit, set to begin today, is the first of its kind in the North.
"We see it as the next step in the evolution of delivering our services to the people in need," said Staff Sgt. Andrew Boland.
The new position, created in part to allow for a more thorough investigation of reported incidents, will enable the RCMP to work closely with support agencies in the city.
"Working with the agencies is certainly another component of the new unit. As well as furthering our commitment to ensuring people have safe homes," said Boland.
Const. Tamara Bellamy will be the detachment's first family relations investigator.
"I'm really excited about the position," she said.
"My goal for this week is to get out and talk to agencies, collect information from them and let them know I'm here."
One agency the RCMP will be working with is the Yellowknife Women's Centre.
"It's definitely a step in the right direction," says Kathy Hrynczuk, an advocate at the centre.
"There needs to be a strong link in the community between the agencies and the RCMP."
Some staff members from the centre have also attended training sessions held by the RCMP.
"It's good because now we'll have a direct line to refer women to at the RCMP," said Hrynczuk.
The new position involves following up on reported incidents such as spousal assaults, child welfare, custody orders and peace bonds.
But not wanting to limit the position to only incidents of violence or the victimization of women, it will also focus on family relations education and inter-agency co-operation on family issues.
"Not all family incidents escalate to violence and the victims aren't always women," said Boland.
"With this initiative we want to ensure that our work is consistent and fair
while paying attention to detail, especially given the high level of sensitivity indicative of most of the situations."
Boland also noted that Yellowknife is no more in need of a family relations unit than any other city, it is merely a means of furthering the RCMP's commitment to the people.