NNSL (May 28/99) - The ancient art martial art of Kung fu has come to Yellowknife at the new Vinh Trinh Quyen Martial Arts Studio at 5103 49th Street. For its students, the discipline apparently offers more than just a means of learning self-defence -- just ask Debela Tolera.
"I use to have headaches all the time before I started Kung Fu," said Tolera, "but after just three classes they were all gone. I'm learning lots and I feel great."
For John Luke, who started Kung fu classes the same time Tolera did less than two weeks ago, the feeling is mutual.
"I've tried other martial art forms and this is the best one for me," said Luke. "Its not as strenuous on your body. Its at a slower pace and it is very relaxing, almost like a dance."
According to Luke, who suffers from diabetes, this was a very important aspect of Kung fu for him in staying fit, but not overworking himself.
"Because its not as strenuous, I'm not burning energy as quickly as I might in other activities. It helps me regulate my blood sugars without burning myself out. you follow the master but at your own speed."
Loc Bui, owner and instructor at Vinh Trinh Quyen martial Arts Studio, recommends Kung fu for just about anybody -- whether its to learn self-defence or just to exercise.
"Kung fu will build up your health, reduce your spitefulness, and raise your self-confidence," said Bui. "The spirit of Kung fu can have an effect over anything that you do."
Student Nadine Gentleman, who will be attending university in Montreal in the fall, has high hopes for what Kung fu lessons can do for her.
"I started the day it opened," said Gentleman. "I really like the stretching and its a good workout, but I really want to learn it for self-defence. I'll feel when I'm in a big city and alone."
For Ian Myers, a good workout is all that he desired when he decided to take Kung fu lessons.
"I'm not ready for the Olympics or anything but I feel good," Myers said.
Harvey Walsh, who thought it would be fun to bring the kids down with him, also had therapeutic reasons for joining up.
"I'm taking it as an approach to physiotherapy," said Walsh, who suffers from a leg injury.
Walsh's daughter Brittany, however, has more aesthetic reasons for taking Kung Fu lessons.
"Personally, I just like the costumes," the younger Walsh said.