Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services
NNSL (May 14/99) - Sharpen those pencils, fill that fountain pen and put on your thinking cap --the survey will be there soon, if it isn't already.
Every family in Yellowknife is being asked to fill out a survey designed to assess their recreational desires.
The survey is part of a $50,000 study the city has commissioned to pin down what facilities are wanted most.
"There's one part that deals strictly with the arenas," said community services director Grant White. "That will answer the questions as to what the arenas needs are -- whether we should leave it as it is, build a single pad, a double pad or extend the lifespan of Gerry Murphy Arena."
The second part of the survey, said White, will assess the public demand for other recreational facilities, such as ball diamonds, sports fields and gymnasiums.
Those who wish to respond to the survey have until May 31 to complete it and either mail it back in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided, or drop it off at city hall, the pool or library. (You'll get a free family swim pass if you drop it off by hand.)
White said the department is aiming to complete the recreational facilities needs assessment and arena feasibility study report in June.
"We've got an arena advisory committee, which is going to be working with the consultant and the city to provide some recommendations on arenas," said White.
When the report is completed it will be considered by the city's community services committee, chaired by Coun. Cheryl Best.
Council will then consider the recommendations of the committee, likely around the end of June.