Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
RANKIN INLET (May 12/99) - The last annual Pakallak Tyme to be held in the current millennium in Rankin Inlet was a largely successful event which instilled community spirit, provided fun and games for children of all ages and lit the Eastern Arctic skies over the hamlet with a dazzling display of light and colour.
Recreation co-ordinator Rick Denison said dances held during the event were well-attended, the Ski-Doo and dog races went well, and the various indoor and outdoor games drew a large number of participants and spectators alike.
A new addition to this year's lineup, a fireworks display, was especially well received by the community.
"I guess it's been about five or six years since Arts and Crafts sponsored the last fireworks display in Rankin and this year's display went over really well," said Denison. "We're planning on doing another in August, and hopefully, we'll be able to tie it in with another project which will be taking place the last weekend before the kids return to school."
Denison said Rankin's Ross Tatty won the Ski-Doo race and Richard Beck was the best racing the dogs. He said this year's Pakallak Tyme was the most successful in terms of fund-raising efforts.
"I'd say we also had more people in from out of town than in the immediate past and the wide variety of events had a lot to do with that. This was the 24th edition of what was originally known as Hamlet Days and the fourth year it's been called Pakallak Tyme."
"We did away with the Hamlet Days name because we wanted the event to come across as more of a community event, which it is. Next year will be the 25th anniversary and it will be, at least, equally as good as this year's event. Although we may have more emphasis on a bigger venue simply because it will be the 25th."
In a written public statement, Rankin Mayor Simon Okpatauyak thanked all the sponsors and volunteers who worked hard to make the event a success. He also thanked the Planning Committee and the businesses and organizations which provided financial and in-kind support to the event.
"This year's Pakallak Tyme marks an important milestone in our history," said Okpatauyak. "1999 is the last time this event will occur in the current millennium. At the same time, it was the first Pakallak Tyme in the new territory called Nunavut."
Youngster Romeo Wiebe wasn't too concerned with current millenniums or landmark occasions, he knew what he liked best about Pakallak Tyme as he hovered around the barbeque during the community feast to launch the celebrations.
"You stay up late and there's lots of good food and games," said Wiebe. "Everybody's happy."