Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services
NNSL (Apr 28/99) - If it goes through as proposed, the new smoking bylaw will change the rules of doing business for all city restaurants.
A memo presented to council Monday lists more than 60 businesses that will be affected by the increased smoking restrictions proposed.
Coun. Bob Brooks said the list illustrated for him the ban being considered was "way too extensive." Others, such as Coun. Ben McDonald and Kevin O'Reilly, said it was exactly what they were looking for.
Restaurateur Carlos Gonzales said he made calls to the owners of 95 per cent of the restaurants in town two weeks ago to talk to them about the bylaw.
"Most of the licensed dining room owners didn't really realize what was happening ... most of us have been struggling to meet the bottom line, working 16, 18, 20 hours a day, six days a week," said Gonzales.
"They'd be here if they could, but it's very difficult to take the time out."
As it stands, the proposed bylaw would ban smoking in any place that permits minors. That includes licensed and unlicensed restaurants, bingo halls, cultural and sports facilities, as well as clubs and private recreational facilities during the times minors are allowed.
Coun. Cheryl Best noted six of the unlicensed restaurants in town are already non-smoking, saying she saw that as a sign that sector is regulating itself.
Licensed restaurants and long-time smoker hangouts like the Diner are another matter entirely, she said.
"I think we're going to have some major arguments from those people," said Best.
Since first attempting to revise the bylaw, more than a year ago, the city has had little success courting input from businesses that would be affected.
The next opportunity for those businesses to have their say will be at a May 18 committee meeting.