Joanasie Eegeesiak
Northern News Services
IQALUIT (Apr 12/99) - Robert Hanson has lived in Iqaluit for the past 34 years. For the last 18 years, he has owned and operated R.L. Hanson Construction Limited.
The company holds the school bussing contract for the Baffin Divisional Education Council and also does excavating and snow-plowing, as well as unloading all the sealift cargo that comes up from the south every year.
"One of the hardest things about my job is the long hours during the sealift over the summertime," said Hanson.
Sometimes he and his employees have to work 18 to 20 hours a day, seven days a week, when the boats are in and that gets to them after a while.
"All in all, I really like my job. There's not a lot of things that really bother me," he said.
Hanson has 12 full-time employees and three part-time, all of whom work in different areas of his business.
"We look for qualifications in driving equipment. Most people who are employed by us basically have to have a class 2 licence in order to drive the school buses."
Hanson said working with heavy equipment, can be dangerous, but in some cases, it can be amusing as well.
"The funniest thing that ever happened to me was a number years ago when I was working for Oqutak Paton. One of the employees parked the D-7 bulldozer over to water point. I went over one day with my car, brand new, a 1978 Chev, and parked beside the Cat. The Cat started to slide (Hanson was driving) and I ran right over the car and I crushed it." Hanson is also known around town for his strong community spirit. His company sponsors events year-round and during Toonik Tyme, offers free bussing around town. It also sponsors baseball teams, the speed skating club, minor hockey teams and dart teams. And, when asked, helps with the elders.
The company has also helped Iqaluit's Tim Stumpel who's trying out for Canada's Olympic team for kayaking -- singles and doubles.