Terry Halifax
Northern News Services
NNSL (Mar 03/99) - The RCMP have arrested a Yellowknife man on trafficking, assault and four sex-related charges.
Last Saturday, 44-year-old John Ivan Berg was arrested on charges of procuring an individual to become a prostitute, aiding to engage a person in prostitution, living off the avails of prostitution, sexual assault, assault and trafficking in a controlled substance.
RCMP Corporal Mike Brandford said Berg was arrested at a local residence and that the investigation involved prostitution involving a single female victim.
"There have been three charges of prostitution, sexual assault, straight assault, trafficking in a controlled substance that were all related to this investigation," he said.
"All the charges stem from this investigation," he said, adding, "Cocaine is involved."
Berg is known to local RCMP and has been previously convicted on charges of obtaining or trying to obtain sexual services from a minor.
"As a result of information we had received on the 26th of February, we commenced an investigation which led to the arrest of John Berg on the 27th," Brandford said.
"The victim in this case is female, approximately 20 years of age," Brandford said.
Police responded when rumours of prostitution surfaced, leading police to interview people known to the accused.
"Initially we had heard some things on the street that had indicated that something might be going on," he said.
The accused has no permanent residence in Yellowknife.
"Mr. Berg has no fixed address in the city," he said. "He just hangs out where he can hang out."
Following an appearance before the justice of the peace, Berg was remanded without bail and due to appear in court Wednesday.