Glen Korstrom
Northern News Services
INUVIK (Mar 26/99) - The computerized bookkeeping part of Aurora College's office administration and bookkeeping certificate program was what attracted Valerie Inglangasuk to enrol.
She is now set to graduate May 7 along with about 19 others in various programs.
"I'm glad it's over," says another graduate-to-be, Lisa Norris, who is completing the two-year social work diploma program.
"I'm thinking of applying to go on to third and fourth year as part of the degree program."
But mixed with the jubilation over completing studies, many students also experience the angst about the costs of the ceremony.
So, to offset costs, office administration and bookkeeping graduate-to-be, Mary Cardwell, is spearheading fund-raising efforts, including a TV auction at Inuvik TV March 27 from 1 to 5 p.m.
Just like a bingo, people can phone in bids after they see some of the items area businesses have donated.
"A lot of people said yes they would donate and two people said 'OK, here, I'll give it to you right now.' And I was going like 'Whoa, whoa whoa. Just wait, I'll come back. Think about it,'" she says.
"I was overwhelmed that they were going to give me something right now. I wasn't ready for it."
So far, Cardwell has collected about 30 items she estimates are worth about $3,000. Some examples are a dog team ride for two, a print by artist Audrea Loreen and a weekend getaway at the Pingo Park in Tuktoyaktuk.
Cardwell, who is a lifelong Inuvik resident, says the Whitehorse Lions Club partly prompted the idea of the TV auction as did director of student services Stella Bourque, who suggested a dinner auction.
"I came up with the idea of a TV auction," says Cardwell.
"Though there will be a viewing at the college on March 26 so people can see what they might want to bid on."
Several items will be available for bidding each half hour. Then at the end of the half hour the highest bidder will win the item.
Along with the TV auction, graduates have hosted a couple of luncheons and are setting up a tent at the Muskrat Jamboree to raise money.
"We're doing all our fund-raising this year. Last year there was no fund-raising done and it was all paid for," she says.
"I don't know how much we will need in total because we're still in the process of getting the caterer and decorations. The money could also go to getting a band and to gown rental."